Reflecting on the Telos Collective Journey
On this landmark episode of the Intersection Podcast, the original members of the Telos Collective team reflect on the most memorable moments we shared as a [...]
On this landmark episode of the Intersection Podcast, the original members of the Telos Collective team reflect on the most memorable moments we shared as a [...]
by Ryan Boettcher Greetings, friends! When Bishop Todd first called me to help him in the early development of the Telos Collective in late 2016, [...]
The Completion of Our Telos Journey by JR Rozko For us at The Telos Collective, 2022 marks the completion of the intended five-year cycle of [...]
How Does the Kingdom of God Influence My Leadership? The kingdom of God can and must have an impact on how we lead. But what [...]
Journeying into the Heart of Missional Leadership Now that we’ve wrapped up a great year of Missional Ecclesiology, Bishop Todd introduces our 2020 theme: Missional [...]
How to Have a Faith Conversation in Today's Culture In a post-Christendom culture, is it possible to winsomely engage someone in a conversation about faith? Bishop [...]
God’s Kindness Brings Encounters When words fail, kindness speaks the good news. Steve Sjogren, longtime friend of Bishop Todd Hunter and pastor emeritus of Vineyard [...]
A Christmas Message From Bishop Todd Hunter Dear Friend, This Christmas I pause to thank God that we are together in a learning community and [...]
Waiting With Mary: An Advent Meditation This Advent season, the Rev. Lauri Diamond of Redemption Anglican Church contemplates Mary and the life miraculously created in [...]
Becoming Culture Makers and Blessers In Part 1, "What Is Your Family's Cultural Footprint?" Tamara Hill Murphy suggested how families can be intentionally missional about the way [...]