The Intersection Conference is a missional greenhouse for Anglican leaders who want to engage culture. Each year, this group of leaders will exchange ideas, share strategies for disciple-making in a post-Christian North America, and explore new ways of re-missioning the Church. The conference will also birth Learning Communities, local vehicles for continuing the conversation about mission in contemporary culture.
Each Intersection Conference will explore a core element of mission, and discuss the other elements in relation to it.
- 2017: Gospel
- 2018: Culture
- 2019: Missional Ecclesiology
- 2020: Missional Leadership
- 2021: God’s Empowering Presence
May 16-18, 2019.
The conference will begin Thursday, May 16, at 12:00 pm. The conference will end at noon on Saturday, May 18. We suggest flying into the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport on Thursday morning and flying out Saturday afternoon.
Trinity Anglican Church
Westside Campus
2260 Defoor Hills Rd., Atlanta, GA 30318
Theme: For the Sake of the World: An Anglican Missional Ecclesiology
Come ready to engage 8 leading evangelical and sacramental voices exploring what it means to be the church on mission. Through panels and cohorts, gain actionable ideas and practices to catalyze your local church to engage contemporary culture.
Conference Schedule
Thursday, May 16th
12:15pm – Conference Registration Opens
1:00pm – Conference Begins and Opening Session with Bishop Todd Hunter
2:00pm – Hans Boersma – “Proclaiming the Gospel through the Sacraments” and Panel Discussion
3:30pm – Esau McCaulley – “Reclaiming Romans as a Missional Document for the Church” and Panel Discussion
4:50pm – Examen and Evening Prayer & Worship
5:30pm – Dinner (Cohort Time)
7:00pm – Gathering Time at Atlanta Brewing Co.
Friday, May 17th
8:30am – Morning Prayer & Worship
9:00am – William Cavanaugh – “Eucharistic Bodies in an Excarnated World” and Panel Discussion
10:30am – Midday Prayer
11:00am – Lunch (Cohort Time + Youth/NextGen Ministry Lunch)
1:00pm – Tish Harrison-Warren – “Ordinary Church: How Liturgy and Sacraments Teach Us the Mundane Glory of Mission” and Panel Discussion
2:45pm – Winfield Bevins – “Marks of a Movement: Wesley as a Model for Anglican Missional Ecclesiology” and Panel Discussion
4:15pm – Examen and Evening Prayer & Worship
5:15pm – Dinner (Cohort Time)
7:30pm – Evening Public Lecture with David Fitch – “Beliefs vs. Practices: How God Shapes a Church For Mission” and Panel Discussion
Saturday, May 18th
8:30am – Morning Prayer
9:00am – Bishop Ric Thorpe – “The Church on Mission: Reflections from a British, Post-Christian Context”
10:15am – Closing Session with Bishop Todd Hunter
12noon – Conference Concludes
Option to Earn Credit
In partnership with Northern Seminary, Bishop Todd Hunter and Professor Winfield Bevins will teach a class that wraps around the Intersection Conference. Those attending the conference would complete additional assignments and participate in live video discussions before and after the conference. Students will receive 3 quarter hours, which can be used towards a certificate or degree in Anglican Studies at Northern Seminary or transferred to another institution. To register for the class, please fill out the application at www.seminary.edu/apply.
Youth/NextGen Ministry Lunch on Friday
For those interested in or involved with Youth/NextGen Ministry, you are invited to a special lunch on Friday, May 17, at the 2019 Intersection Conference.
The lunch, “The Greatest Possibility: Engaging and Shaping Culture Through Student Ministry,” will focus on the intersection of mission and culture in Next Generation ministries. Our host is the Rev. Aaron Buttery, who is the Diocese of C4SO’s NextGen Leadership Associate and leader of the Student Ministry at Christ Church Plano.
If you are interested in attending the lunch, please email Ryan.
Registration Costs
GROUP RATE: (3 or more)
Group rates apply to those coming from the same ministry context.
– Early Bird: Oct-Dec = $99 each
– Jan-Mar = $139 each
– Apr-May = $179 each
– Early Bird: Oct-Dec = $129
– Jan-Mar = $169
– Apr-May = $199
There is no application process this year.
Scholarships are available on as as-needed basis. Please contact Ryan if you need additional assistance to attend the conference.
This conference stands head and shoulders above any of the others I’ve experienced in quality across all levels: content of speakers, worship, execution, and details.
I was very pleased to participate in this excellent conference and am thankful to be part of this important work.
I was very pleased with the direction and tone of the presentations — just what I have been longing for and grasping towards on my own.
I was impressed with the caliber of speakers and the number of young church leaders at the conference.