Missional Leadership in a Time of Uncertainty

With W. David O. Taylor

Under the umbrella of our 2020 theme of Missional Leadership, the Telos Collective is kicking off a blog and podcast series called “Missional Leadership in a Time of Uncertainty.” Over the next several months, this series will apply Missional Leadership to the specific challenges of leading a church, community or family through a pandemic.

First up: this podcast with the Rev. Dr. W. David O. Taylor of Fuller Seminary and author of the recent book Open and Unafraid: The Psalms as a Guide to Life. Our host Erik Willits talks to Bishop Todd and David about how the Church can respond missionally in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, how our worship can stay embodied even when we’re meeting online, and the long-term impact—positive and negative—this could have on the Church.

On the first part of the podcast, Bishop Todd and David discuss:

  • The unique leadership challenges posed by the Coronavirus
  • What the Coronavirus exposes in many of us
  • The missional opportunities before us as Anglican leaders
  • How to stay tethered to our embodied way of being and worshipping
How can we not become more frightened, but open up to one another?

On the second half of the podcast, the conversation turns to:

  • How church history informs our current situation
  • How artists can be part of God’s good work of healing and care during this time
  • 4 effects of the Coronavirus on the Church
  • 4 virtues leaders can develop in the face of uncertainty
I have been reckoning with all the ways in which I don’t believe the Lord is my shepherd.

Here’s the prayer at the beginning of the episode.


Resources Mentioned:

Glimpses of the New Creation: Worship and the Formative Power of the Arts by W. David O. Taylor

Open and Unafraid: The Psalms as a Guide to Life by W. David O. Taylor. The book includes discussion questions and exercises at the end of each chapter, providing an opportunity for small group study across the digital divide while social distancing. A companion to the book is a set of Psalms prayer cards with art by Phaedra Taylor that can be used as devotionals for individuals, families and small groups during these troubled times.

Follow David on social media:

  • Instagram: @davidtaylor_theologian
  • Twitter: @wdavidotaylor

David’s recent Christianity Today article “How to Lead Online Worship Without Losing Your Soul or Body”

David’s recent sermon on Psalm 23— “I Shall Not Want”—at Church of the Cross in Austin

Recommended books on church history:

Musician Paul Zach—the music he put to David’s “Prayer for Waking Up” is available on Instagram: @paulzachmusic.

The Intersection Conference is rescheduled for Oct 21-22.



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