Each Intersection Conference explores one of our core values and discusses the other values in relation to it.

2017: Gospel

2018: Culture

2019: Missional Ecclesiology

2020: Missional Leadership

2021: Life in the Spirit

2022: Spiritual Formation

Intersection Conference 2017

Costa Mesa, California

Gospel: Jesus’ Gospel of the Kingdom and His Concomitant Aims as a Basis for Discipleship, Mission and Church Renewal.

Together speakers and attendees began reimagining mission in the ACNA with a goal of birthing local Learning Communities that prioritize peer-to-peer learning.

Bishop Todd Hunter: The Foundation for the Conversation

Dr. David Fitch: A Scholarly View of the Intersection of Gospel and Culture

The Very Rev. Kris McDaniel: The Perspective of a Working Pastor/Church Planter

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Intersection Conference 2018

Lisle, Illinois

Engaging Culture: An Inter-Disciplinary Conversation

We asked seven speakers to explore key areas of cultural engagement in today’s landscape with the goal of reimagining how the Anglican Church in North America relates to culture.


Scot McKnight | Bible

David Fitch | Theology

William Cavanaugh | Worship

Esau McCaulley | Multiculturalism

Jennifer McBride | Witness

David O. Taylor | Arts

Kyuboem Lee | Justice

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Intersection Conference 2019

Atlanta, Georgia

For the Sake of the World: An Anglican Missional Ecclesiology

Eight leading evangelical and sacramental voices explored what it means to be the Church on mission. Through panels and cohorts, attendees gained actionable ideas and practices to catalyze their local church to engage contemporary culture.

Hans Boersma: Proclaiming the Gospel through the Sacraments

Esau McCaulley: Reclaiming Romans as a Missional Document for the Church 

William Cavanaugh: Eucharistic Bodies in an Excarnated World 

Tish Harrison-Warren: Ordinary Church: How Liturgy and Sacraments Teach Us the Mundane Glory of Mission 

Winfield Bevins: Marks of a Movement: Wesley as a Model for Anglican Missional Ecclesiology

David Fitch: Beliefs vs. Practices: How God Shapes a Church For Mission

Bishop Ric Thorpe: The Church on Mission: Reflections from a British, Post-Christian Context

Bishop Todd Hunter

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Intersection Conference 2020


For the Sake of Others: An Anglican Imagination for Missional Leadership

Our virtual event focused on Missional Leadership—more relevant than ever in these times of disruption. Speakers integrated the limits, opportunities and implications of 2020, equipping attendees to lead churches toward intelligent, missional engagement in today’s culture. Together we pursued formation into humble, gracious and confident leaders joining God on his mission in the world. 

Bishop Todd Hunter: Missional Leadership: Participating With Christ at the Intersection of Gospel and Culture

Esau McCaulley: Race, Politics and Pandemic: Leading as an Anglican Christian

Ashley Matthews: The Posture of Contemporary Missional Leadership

David Fitch: Power and Presence: Core Practices for Missional Leadership

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