September 1 was the launch date for Reading While Black, the new book from our good friend and upcoming Intersection Conference speaker Esau McCaulley. To support Esau and give readers a behind-the-scenes look at his new work, the Telos Collective hosted a free, live webinar on Friday, September 4. We’ve converted the webinar to a podcast for your listening pleasure! Bishop Todd dialogues with Esau about how the book came to be, how it informs our current missional landscape and much more.
On the first half of the podcast, they discuss:
- What’s unique about African American biblical interpretation
- How Black people have continued to trust God despite their suffering
- Why we need every ethnicity and their experiences to inform our interpretation of Scripture
- The real questions churches should be asking themselves
Then the conversation turns to:
- The role fear plays in our response to injustice
- What hope really means
- What an empty tomb has to do with slavery and other atrocities
- Two surprising words Esau hopes describe the Church
Thanks so much for listening to the Intersection Podcast! We value your feedback. Please share your thoughts and ideas.
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