On S3E2 of the Intersection Podcast, Bishop Todd Hunter and the Rev. Canon Dr. Scot McKnight reflect on Advent as an inherently missional opportunity. Scot draws four Advent themes from the collects and gospel lections to help pastors as they prepare to preach during the Advent season.
Advent is right around the corner! Scot McKnight proposes that the very nature of this season is missional, with strong implications for ministry and discipleship. On the first part of the podcast, Bishop Todd and Scot discuss:
- The balance of anticipating both Christmas and the Second Coming
- Why we shouldn’t ignore the collects
- The 4 significant Advent themes
- How mission is connected to repentance
- The Advent call to embody our witness
On the second part of the podcast, Scot examines each of the Advent readings through a missional lens to help pastors as they prepare to preach. For ease of reference, we created a companion blog post with Scot’s thoughts on the readings, Preaching Through Advent with Mission in Mind.
Resources Mentioned:
It Takes a Church to Pray, a forthcoming book by Scot McKnight in defense of why written prayers are valuable
It Takes a Church to Baptize by Scot McKnight
Pastor Paul by Scot McKnight
Theology of the New Testament by George Ladd
They Like Jesus But Not the Church by Dan Kimball
Eat This Book by Eugene Peterson
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