God’s Kindness Brings Encounters
God’s Kindness Brings Encounters When words fail, kindness speaks the good news. Steve Sjogren, longtime friend of Bishop Todd Hunter and pastor emeritus of Vineyard [...]
God’s Kindness Brings Encounters When words fail, kindness speaks the good news. Steve Sjogren, longtime friend of Bishop Todd Hunter and pastor emeritus of Vineyard [...]
The Eucharist as an Act of Proclamation and Participation We asked some attendees of the 2019 Intersection Conference to share their thoughts on the session [...]
Why Anglicans Need an Anabaptist Perspective We asked some attendees of the 2019 Intersection Conference to share their thoughts on the session that most impacted [...]
How (Not) to Be Eucharist We asked some attendees of the 2019 Intersection Conference to share their thoughts on the session that most impacted them. [...]
From Franchise to Communion: A Missional Paradigm Shift for Anglican Churches As people are increasingly drawn to forms of liturgical worship, we may need to [...]
On Season 2 Episode 4, “The Art of Eucharistic Hospitality: A Practitioner's Perspective,” we interview the Rev. Chris Myers, associate rector at St. Bartholomew's Anglican [...]
3 Missional Opportunities for Sacramental/Liturgical Churches As Anglicans, we want to use the best of our tradition to engage post-Christian culture. The Rev. Joshua P. [...]
On Season 2 Episode 3, "Faithful Presence as a Missional Ecclesiology," we talk with the Rev. David Fitch, a Telos Collective Strategic Advisor and speaker [...]
At the beginning of September, we kicked off Season 2 of the Intersection Podcast—and our new twice-monthly rhythm. The first podcast episode of the month [...]
The Practice of Eucharist to Shape a Justice-Oriented People In anticipation of the 2018 Intersection Conference, we asked speakers like Dr. Kyuboem Lee, Director of [...]