Last week at Northern Seminary in Lisle, Illinois, more than 100 missional leaders from 19 dioceses in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) gathered for the 2018 Intersection Conference—the Telos Collective’s second annual event. Led by Telos Collective Founder and Leader Bishop Todd Hunter, the conversation centered on Engaging Culture:An Interdisciplinary Conversation. Seven speakers explored key areas of cultural engagement, with a goal of reimagining how the Anglican Church in North America relates to culture.
“We had world-class teachers help us think about ministry at the intersection of gospel, church and culture,” says Bishop Hunter. “I enjoy interacting with colleagues who love these topics and who are determined to learn new, fruitful practices of ministry.”
One unique facet of the 2018 Intersection Conference was its emphasis on thinking across boundaries, weaving together knowledge from multiple areas of culture and the valuable perspectives they can bring to one another.
Sessions & Speakers
Scot McKnight: A Biblical Foundation to the Culture Conversation
David Fitch: Past and Present Proposals on the Intersection of Church and Culture
Kyuboem Lee: The Practice of Eucharist to Shape a Justice-Oriented People
Jennifer McBride:Repentance and Humility as Political Witness
William Cavanaugh: No Such Thing as Atheists: Secularization and Idolatry
W. David O. Taylor: The Dynamic Relationship Between Art and Mission
Esau McCaulley: Towards a More Diverse Anglicanism
You can find the videos alongside of our Learning Community Curriculum based on the conference.
After each speaker, a panel of diverse thinkers responded to what they had heard, delving deeper into the topic. They challenged and affirmed each speaker’s ideas, suggested implications for missional engagement, and examined what could be applied on the ground. Panelists included Dr. Jack Gabig, the Rev. Cameron Robinson, Katelyn Beaty, and the Rev. Dr. Mary Patton Baker.
Attendees also participated in times of prayer and worship. Zach Pietrini and Marty Reardon led worship, and the Very Rev. Rob Patterson led the Daily Office.
Provincial Support
Provincial Sponsor Archbishop Foley Beach, who commissioned Bishop Todd to start the Telos Collective, attended the first day of the conference to show his support. Stating that he recognizes the huge cultural challenges the Church is facing, the Archbishop said he is looking to the Telos Collective to share their insights on cultural engagement.
Learning Communities
Bishop Hunter once again invited each Telos Collective leader to consider starting or participating in a Learning Community in their area/sphere of influence. Learning Communities draw together a group of 5 to 10 people, Anglican or non-Anglican, to listen to one another and journey together toward engaging culture with the gospel. Learning Communities can meet in homes, coffee shops, or just about anywhere. Members might read a missional book, do peer-based coaching or simply meet to talk and ask questions.
Some examples of Learning Communities formed this year:
- An online Learning Community of songwriters focused on worship
- A church-based Learning Community exploring joy
- A Learning Community based around a missional book—with a special appearance by the author
Interested in starting a Learning Community? Email Ryan to start the process.
Partnership with Northern Seminary
Northern Seminary has partnered with the Telos Collective to launch a new Anglican Studies Program. The Anglican Studies Program is designed to serve the academic and formational requirements of students preparing for Anglican ministry, lay and especially ordained.
In this program, students will engage the Anglican history, theology and practice that offers pastors, church planters and lay ministers a huge treasure chest of tools for contemporary evangelism and spiritual formation.The program provides a practical foundation for ministry with an Anglican ethos.
Bishop Hunter is leading the Anglican Studies Program. He will teach courses along with the Rev. Dr. Jack Gabig of Trinity School for Ministry, with participation from other faculty.
The 2018 Intersection Conference provided an opportunity for students to have hands-on learning opportunities with Bishop Hunter and Dr. Gabig. Attendees had the chance to earn three credits toward an Anglican Studies Certificate, Masters or DMin. Northern Seminary graciously hosted the 2018 Intersection Conference in a new facility on their campus.’
Learn more about the Anglican Studies Program.
Future Plans
The 2019 Conference will focus on Missional Ecclesiology. To prepare, Bishop Hunter suggests reading Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America by Darrell Guder and as much as you can of Lesslie Newbigin and Roland Allen.
“I very much look forward to next year,” Bishop Hunter says. “It takes us right to the heart of our work: missional ecclesiology. In the meantime, if I can serve you in any way or help you get a Learning Community started, please let me know.”
Over the next several months, the Telos Collective will continue to explore the topic of Culture through the Intersection Blog, the Intersection Podcast, Coaching, and Learning Communities. A Learning Community curriculum based on the content of the 2018 Intersection Conference will be available soon on our website. We encourage you to gather a group of 5-10 people and use the curriculum to begin listening to one another and journeying together toward engaging culture with the gospel.
If you were able to join us at #intersection18, what impacted you the most?
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