The Telos Collective is a relational network of church leaders founded by an Anglican Bishop, Todd Hunter. We are catalyzing a new generation of church leaders who, taking seriously Jesus’ Gospel of the Kingdom, embark on a journey inward (of spiritual transformation) and journey outward (of mission) to become faithful and fruitful leaders at the intersection of gospel and culture. 
There are a few ways we do this:
  • We teach and train on our 6 Core Competencies [link to Competencies page]. 
  • We seek to give leaders non-anxious, theologically grounded, Spirit-enabled confidence. 
  • We help leaders be deeply formed in the way of Christ and do the necessary work of a change agent. 
  • We give leaders the tools to take big ideas home and make them actionable. 
  • We engage a sacramental/liturgical imagination for formation and witness.
What sets the Telos Collective apart in the evangelical and mainline world is our ability to create compelling environments [link to events page?]—shaped around a particular worldview [link to Worldview page] and philosophy of ministry [link to philosophy of ministry page]—that provide a rare safe space that facilitates leaders thinking outside the box within a group of faithful peers. 
We are becoming increasingly ecumenical as we welcome leaders from many Christian faith expressions to the table. Together we seek to be deeply formed in the ways of Jesus to enable faithful, prophetic engagement with contemporary culture. As leaders, we resist the ever-present temptation to become so inwardly focused and institutionally protective that we miss what the Spirit is saying and doing at the margins. 
Our commitment to a prophetic engagement of post-Christendom culture entails:

A willingness to repent of where we have failed to embody the Jesus-shaped love of God

A willingness to winsomely and sacrificially move toward the dark and broken places of our world in the power of the Spirit

Learn more about us